Friday, May 6, 2011

If It Were Animated: Pulp Fiction Sketch Cards

Jules Winnfield
Vincent Vega

What if Quentin Tarantino's 1994 masterpiece Pulp Fiction were an animated series? Wouldn't that be awesome? I envision an episodic series follwing the adventures of Jules Winnfield (voice of Samuel L. Jackson) and Vincent Vega (voice of John Travolta) as they do various "jobs" for their boss Marcellus Wallace (voice of Ving Rhames). They could meet all the characters from the movie, and maybe run into other Tarantino favorites like Mr. Pink and Mia Wallace's twin sister Beatrix Kiddo. I have too much free time.

Anyway, these sketch cards (watercolor on bristol) show how I'm picturing Jules and Vincent.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's Thorsday!

Like most of geekdom, I'm fairly psyched about the Thor movie from Marvel, which opens tomorrow. So I dashed off this quick sketch of the Odinson himself.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May The 4th Be With You (Or "Oh, yeah, I have a blog don't I?")

Yep, it's been a ridiculously long time since I posted anything new. Lots of reasons for that, but none of them interesting. I plan on trying to go back to updating more often. Fingers crossed.

Anyhoo, today is May 4th, or Star Wars Day as it's known in geekdom, and I didn't really have anything good on hand, so I whipped up this quick Darth Maul sketch card with some markers. Happy Star Wars Day!